Quality in care

We at omega hospital ensure that the patients are treated and cared for with the best quality and infection control practices. While we are extremely gratified with the accreditation and quality recognisation, we continue to work just as diligently to ensure that we are providing the best care possible to the people of the region.

Our Quality department aims at identifying and avoiding problems when delivering service to customers i.e. Doing the right thing (getting the health care services you need), at the right time (when you need it), in the right way (using the appropriate test or procedure), to achieve the best possible results.

NABH. –National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare providers.

National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers is a constituent board of Quality Council of India, set up to establish and operate accreditation programme for healthcare organizations. NABH was established in year 2006. To comply with these standard elements, the hospital will need to have a process-driven approach in all aspects of hospital activities – from registration, admission, pre-surgery, peri-surgery and post-surgery protocols, discharge from the hospital to follow-up with the hospital after discharge. Not only the clinical aspects but the governance aspects are to process driven based on clear and transparent policies and protocols. In a nutshell NABH aims at streamlining the entire operations of a hospital.

Hospital has successfully achieved NABH Entry Level Certificate in November 2015.

Quality Activities at Omega:

  • Planning, Coordinating & Guiding Quality control programs designed to ensure continuous improvement in patient care and health care in conformity with all established standards.
  • Assuring compliance with quality management systems relating to National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH).
  • Monitoring the various department staff in order to ensure continuous control over SOPs and ensure corrective actions.
  • Conducting Regular internal audits such as Medical Record Audit, Prescription Audit, and Admission & Discharge Audit etc.
  • Coordinating and supervising various training programs in the hospital.
  • Establishment of various committees for the smooth functioning.
  • Responsible for taking corrective action when Incident Report, Adverse Drug Reaction Report are received from the staffs.
  • Suggestion Box & Patient Feedback Forms are present to identify the patient’s problem & respond quickly.
  • Data collection, tabulation and regular follow-ups with adequate corrective and preventive actions are taken using quality indicators.
  • Regular updation of  manuals & regular updates to Management is given regarding the  various issues identified in the hospital

Hospital infection control.
Omega has a robust infection control program which strongly believes that control and prevention of infection in our patients and the staff who care for them, is an absolute moral commitment and responsibility of the hospital.

The Infection Control program covers policies on hand hygiene, occupational health, isolation protocols, infectious diseases notification, clinical sample collection, environmental surveillance activities. The program focuses on prevention of nosocomial infections especially ventilator associated infection, surgical site infections, catheter associated urinary tract infection and Intravascular device related infections and also on control of communicable diseases by policies on patient care related activities.